
December 21st

December 21st, 2015
I woke up with insane heartburn at 3:30 this morning, I was able to sit up and race to the toilet. From then until 9 that morning I puked 8 times. There was a stomach bug plowing through the Robbins side. We were supposed to see Star Wars that afternoon, but I wasn't going anywhere. Danny checked his phone, and his mom was in the same boat too. ha. So Kenny and Tommy got to go with Danny and take our tickets. I had a baby dr appointment today and luckily Dr. Larsen said that as long as I could keep liquid down for 24 hours, I wouldn't need an IV. I slept all day, and took sips of water and gatorade every so often. At the end of the day, I was able to keep down some broth and a few noodles. This was seriously one of the worst stomach bugs I have ever had. I felt on the brink of puking all day, even when I didn't have to. It was terrible! 

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