
January 23rd

January 23rd, 2015
Kimmie was nice enough to come to UVU and let me photograph her during my studio time. It was my first time setting everything up all by myself without John watching over my shoulder. Success! I love how this all turned out and can't wait for more chances to photograph in the studio! 

January 22nd

January 22nd, 2015
Totally LOVING my Lighting class!
One of my classmates brought in some bubbles and we played around with the lights.

January 21st

January 21st, 2015
This is what happens when we try to take a picture with our Slurpies in 30 degree weather and I'm too lazy to switch my 50 mm. 

January 20th

January 20th, 2015
I love this hunk! Date night with this cutie is always the best! We went out for some sushi and walked around the Riverwoods. 

January 19th

January 19th, 2015
Happy 4th Birthday to this kid! I can't believe how old he is getting! Lucky Tyler got thrown a Jake and the Neverland Pirates birthday party!


January 18th

January 18th, 2015
Makayla is just too rough.
This is the aftermath of Mak. Our poor family picture never stood a chance.
[Even though she'll claim that it was Danny's fault for touching her hair.]

January 17th

January 17th, 2015
My sister and their friends are weird. 

January 16th

January 16th, 2015
Don't mess with their cookie dough.

January 15th

January 15th, 2015
Lighting class is so amazing. It was our first hands on day where we just photographed each other for three hours. ha. We got to play around with soft boxes, beauty lights, a little bit of harsh and we even pulled out the giant fan! It's going to be a good semester.


January 14th

January 14th, 2015
My Wednesday night class is brutal. My professor needs to be the new ad campaign for the Energizer bunny. 3 hours of non stop note taking - tonight I took 6 pages of notes on the ancient civilizations of the Andean, Inca, Mayan and Aztec. But I'm still going strong, and nothing seems to really get at me like it would've in past semesters, because in 105 days I'm going to graduate. I can't believe that the end is almost here! It makes everything that much more bearable.


January 13th

January 13th, 2015
Cousin date! After from school I text Bekah to see if she wanted to play. We went to the mall to check out the Woodbury Art Museum and to shop for a felt hat. We spent a couple hours wandering around the mall and catching up. It was so fun!


January 12th

January 12th, 2015
Totally loving this weather. My own little slice of Oregon.
[Except Utah can't quite handle the mass of rain like Oregon can and my apartment complex's sidewalks are flooded. But it's a good excuse to wear my rain boots!]

January 11th

January 11th, 2015
Happy Birthday Ed! [Lucky guy - he had some cute helpers blow out the candles]

January 10th

January 10th, 2015
Widdle Wobert leaves so soon for his LDS mish! I have taken it upon myself to inflict 2 years worth of torment and sisterly abuse into the next 2 months. He loves me. 

January 9th

January 9th, 2015
First homework assignment for Lighting done! I was up in Sandy with Mom today cooking all. day. long. seriously. We made freezer and crock pot ready meals - I've got 18 meals made for Danny and I which will also entail plenty of leftovers for my lunch. [yay!] Afterwards I took Mom out to cash in her Christmas present - a one hour massage! It was totally well earned after spending the entire day in the kitchen cooking dozens of different meals!

January 8th

January 8th, 2015
I've been in a funk lately. Like there's no motivation to do anything. I think I'm ready for spring now (c'mon Utah, I'm done with this season now) I've been trying to look at things differently. I came outside to get a certain shot but it failed miserably. However, I did come across this scene and found it intriguing so I snapped it. Not bad for no tripod eh?

Also. I want to shoot more stylized shoots, so if you're interested in working with me, let me know :) 

January 7th

January 7th, 2015
Don't judge. I've got class until 8 o'clock every Wednesday night. 

January 6th

January 6th, 2015
Danny finally got to play with his new Christmas present I got him [since it's his week off of work] and in-between classes I got to play too! I love lazy school days. 

January 5th

January 5th, 2015
First day of my last semester! I can't remember when I was this excited for school to start!!! Come April 30th I will be graduating with my Bachelors of Science in Art and Visual Communications with an emphasis in Photography and a minor in Art History! Ahh I can't believe I'm almost done! 


January 4th

January 4th, 2015
We have a really hard time finishing a game without someone flipping the board.

January 3rd

January 3rd, 2015
We spent the day helping Robby with some things around his new house and then drove up to Sandy. the sun was perfect on the way up. Check out this hottie tellin' his brother happy birthday! Whatta stud. 

January 2nd

January 2nd, 2015
Flannel Friday! Thanks to Christmas Danny is finally part of the club!


January 1st

January 1st, 2015
First day of the year!! Which means it's time for my traditional mirror picture [good thinking 18 year old Whitney] - for those of you new to the game, The start of every year for the past five years has been some form of me with dry erase markers and a mirror. I am beyond stoked for this year! 2015 will be the year I graduate, [finally] get my puppy and hopefully move the heck outta Orem and closer to family. I am stoked to see how this wild year will ride out!
So lets do this.
5 years in a row of picture of the day. starting now. 

December 31st

December 31st, 2014
Ringing in the new year with my love! This year was so fantastic! We went on so many adventures and had such a fun year! 2014 really picked up business wise, I completed my last full year of school and only have a semester left until I get my Bachelors. Which means that puppy is just around the corner ;) Danny continues to be my rock and supporter in all things. Lots of art and creativity happened this last year, which I am so grateful for. I love being married to my best friend and each year that passes I love seeing our relationship grow sweeter with time. 2014 was a great year, but honestly, I am so excited/can't wait for 2015! It's going to be a year full of wonderful change and growth. Thanks to everyone who was apart of my life this year [I've got pictures to prove it] once again your love and support has been an overwhelming constant through my triumphs and trials. Thank you for joining me on this crazy ride and enjoying seeing my life through my pictures. It's been a good one. peace out. 

December 30th

December 30th, 2014
Last photoshoot of the year! I found this super rad rainbow fence on Center St in Provo! It photographs so well!