February 7th, 2019 |
Kenzie, Marcia and I are throwing Brittany a baby shower! I asked her what baby girl's room would've been decorated with - had she had the space. Brit told me she loooves poppies and the color navy blue. So we are throwing her a Poppy flower baby shower! I painted the background for the invitation today.
February 6th, 2019 |
It snowed so dang much! I would've been content to just stay in all day, but at the rate it was coming down I didn't think Danny would be able to get in the driveway! So I bundled us up and Jones threw snow at me while I shoveled. Ashley and Raquel saw me working outside and came over to help. It made everything so much easier! Jones didn't want to wear his big coat, and the photographer in me was so happy since his fleece is way cuter with that hat!
February 5th, 2019 |
Lots of cousin time for this kid today! I had my glucose test today for baby, so Danny and I dropped him off at Ed and Steph's and he got to play with this crew! My test results came back that I passed - I'm just mildly anemic and need to take an iron supplement everyday. But the good news is that is exactly what I was with Jones! Later that day we met up at Zupas for Eli's school fundraiser.
February 4th, 2019 |
This big kid got a haircut today! It was probably his best one yet! He hardly wiggled, wasn't scared, and said that it tickled! We celebrated afterwards by having some cookies and chocolate milk next door!
February 3rd, 2019 |
Went on a (snowy) scenic drive up the canyon to admire some pine trees!
February 2nd, 2019 |
The last of the Jones clan was baptized today! It was such a party with Robert and Olivia coming down from Rexburg. We had everyone here, except Makayla. Good job Tyler!
February 1st, 2019 |
Jones and I had some places to run around to, and while we were at Target we found some clearance window cling paint sets. We bought them and took them home to play! It came with a bear and a fox - perfect for baby's room! Jones loved it! So much so, that he's having a hard time understanding that we painted them for his baby brother!
January 31st, 2019 |
I finished up the Valentines and took the product pictures for my blog post. Maddy loves how they turned out! - So do I!