January 30th, 2019 |
I had Maddy come over after school to help me with a DIY photo Valentine post I was working on. She was happy to help. Jones was happy to have her over. We had to be quick with our shots because Jones would launch himself into the frame and try and hug it out with Maddy!
January 29th, 2019 |
Jonesy found the glowing, souvenir ice cubes we got from Disneyland in the freezer while he was trying to convince Danny and I to swap out his dinner for a corndog. He was fascinated with them. Even more so when Danny had him go upstairs to his room with the lights off. He sat in his teepee and named off all the colors as they came across.
January 28th, 2019 |
Julie came over and hung out and then ended up having dinner with us! Jones loved it! So much so that he kept telling me, "Stop talking to my Julie!" whenever she would stop playing to finish our conversation.
January 27th, 2019 |
There is so much going on in this picture. I love it.
January 26th, 2019 |
Aquarium Day! Amy, Karl and the girls were up so all us in the valley met up at the Aquarium to play and hang out! Jones loved all the cousin time!
January 25th, 2019 |
Trying to remember to get in the frame and document everyday life can be hard sometimes. Especially when my nightstand is overflowing with papers and water bottles and just looking at Danny's gives me stress and anxiety. But soon there will be one more tiny person in this house of ours and our world will change drastically. Telling myself it's ok to let things pile up to go play with Jones and the dogs is hard sometimes. Especially when I'm running my business, but I'd do anything for that cute little face!
January 24th, 2019 |
I met up with some photo friends and we exchanged headshots again! I love it when we do these things! Not only do I get updated pictures of myself to use on Instagram and other business related platforms, but I get to actually see my buddies and hang out with them! We always run into each other up the canyon or wherever, but we can never talk because we are always with clients!
January 23rd, 2019 |
This may not seem like much, but that is a successful car seat sleeping Jonesy transfer! He fell asleep on the way home from my moms. I managed to get him out of his seat, take off his coat, lay him upstairs and eventually change him into pj's - all while he stayed sound asleep! It would have been a miracle had he not come in our bed at 1:30 am. But hey, I'll take what I can get!
January 22nd, 2019 |
I took some mock studio portraits of Jones for an educational blog post today. This was towards the end. He was done and trying to be funny by not looking at me or smiling. But jokes on him! It turned out to be one of my favorites from the series!
January 21st, 2019 |
We woke up to a Blizzard! It was coming down hard and fast and the entire neighborhood was a blanket of white. The snow was also heavy, and just after I finished admiring the big, chunky, flakes, I turned away from the window. My peripheral vision caught movement, just as a loud crack and a cloud of snow fell to the ground. The big tree in Derek and Ellen's yard couldn't take the wait and snapped two branches. (The big one being at least a foot in diameter.) The snow continued on. Jones and I went sledding with Kara and Justin Bray at the school. More branches fell, and by the end of the storm a total of 4 branches had fallen onto our property, and one tree! It was insane! By some miracle no one was hurt, and there was no damage done!
January 20th, 2019 |
After dinner on Sunday all the cousins went into the bedroom, turned off the lights and played with the glow tracks! They stayed in there until it was time to go home!
January 19th, 2019 |
Happy 8th Birthday to Tyler!! We all went out to eat at In-N-Out for dinner and then headed back to the house for cake and presents. Tyler's birthday decorations have been up all week since he had his friend party last Saturday. It was "Little Foot" themed with snowflakes and icicles everywhere. Danny had been teasing him (along with the rest of the family) that he had a "Frozen" party. While Tyler wasn't looking, Danny and Mitch switched out the Little Foot birthday banner for a Frozen one that Danny had picked up. I had him take pictures in front of it and it wasn't until I said, "Say Frozen!" and all the kids start laughing that he finally figured out what we had done. He just kept saying, "No!" and tried to rip it down. haha! Happy Birthday Tyler!
January 18th, 2019 |
Baptism pictures for Tyler today! He was so excited to have his pictures taken! When I pulled up to the house a few minutes early he was already ready to jump in the car and leave! It was freezing at the temple, but he was a trooper and we did the whole loop!
January 17th, 2019 |
Jonesy is back with all the energy he saved up this last week being sick! He thoroughly enjoyed teasing his uncles, eating all the cookies and trying to give uncle Kenny and Tyler a kiss!
January 16th, 2019 |
After our crazy active day yesterday Jones and I had a chill, low key day at home. I was still pretty sore from falling on my butt a few times and baby was more than happy to kick away while Jones played and I did laundry.
January 15th, 2019 |
We went on an impromptu hike to the suspension bridge after my product shoot with Crust Club today. We needed to work off all that pie! Plus we were still under the impression that this bridge didn't even exist. ha. We started on the Draper side this time. Makayla was right! It is real! Danny and I only slipped and fell a couple of times. We landed right on our butts! Lucky for us we both have lots of cushion! My sciatic nerve was already yelling at me by the time we got to the car!
January 14th, 2019 |
Scout has done a fantastic job of keeping Jonesy company. Today he finally started to act like himself today. He slept in and had a good nap and was back to driving his cars up and down the dogs' back.
January 13th, 2019 |
I thought we were on the up and up! Poor buddy is back running fevers and sleeping all day. I stayed home from church with him. We ended up taking him to Kid's Care like an hour before they closed. Jonesy was not a fan - but did like the otter pops he got. They gave him more IB as well as a steroid to open up his nasal and sinuses. By the time we left the hospital his fever was broken. Lets hope it stays that way!
January 12th, 2019 |
Danny and I went on a double date with Mitch and Ju again. We went to Applebee's since they were having their all you can eat shrimp and ribs fest (and since Danny is back on Keto! haha) We love hanging out with them!
January 11th, 2019 |
Jonesy is starting to have longer stretches of feeling better. Hopefully that's the last of it! He helped me build baby brother's crib today!
January 10th, 2019 |
One of the gals in a photo group I'm in posted about a dress sale they were having to get rid of old inventory. Mom and Julie and I dropped by to see if there was anything worth having, since you never know in a family of five girls what's going to happen next. ;)
January 9th, 2019 |
Poor Bubby hasn't been feeling 100% since Monday night. Today he ended up running a fever on and off all day and all he wanted to do was to snuggle and sleep. I hate seeing him so sick! Word on the street is that all his cousins that came to Sunday dinner have some kind of bug too.
January 8th, 2019 |
Happy 2nd Birthday, Scout! (Technically it was on the 5th, but we were so busy we didn't have time to celebrate) We took her to the pet store to pick out some new toys and treats and then came home for her birthday photoshoot. Scout is so much better about tolerating these things than Indy! We love our Scouty pup and are so happy she's in our lives!
January 7th, 2019 |
Scenes from the bathtub.
January 6th, 2019 |
Sunday dinner down at Bill and Mindi's! We were prepared to have everyone there, but thanks to the weather, our huge group wound down to just us, Ed & Steph, Rich & Sarah and of course Bill & Mindi. We had food galore! These cute girls made themselves a nice cup of hot coco after dinner.
January 5th, 2019 |
I've waited so long to take Jonesy to a Home Depot kid's workshop! Either he was too little or I'd forget about it until after the first Saturday. We made it to this one! He made an easel and dry erase board with a beautiful painting on the back! He loved it!
January 4th, 2019 |
Mr. Jones thinks he can get out of bed time by being cute and hiding. Too bad this happens every. single. night. hahaha!
January 3rd, 2019 |
Danny didn't have work today so we all got to sleep in! Once we got ready for the day we were on a mission to find Danny a new planner for the year. We walked around Barnes and Noble and Target until we found one that Danny liked. This kid was so good throughout it all. When we got home all he wanted to do was play in his room. Which was very helpful since Danny and I had some work to do. It was the perfect "stay at home" day!
January 2nd, 2019 |
Today was probably the most anticipated day of the whole year so far! I had my 20 week scan! Everything is perfect and looks like it should and we were able to find out that Jones is getting another brother! This little guy, like his siblings, made it very clear. Ha. He's measuring within 2 days of his due date and is about 14 oz. I'm so happy and excited for Jones to have a little guy to pal around with. I got a bit emotional making this layflat. That is one of Jones' receiving blankets and toy from Allison, but that outfit was one that I bought for Banks. It'll be a nice reminder to have this little man wearing big brother's clothes. I can just feel so much love for all my kids. Even though half of them live in Heaven, and I wish they were here to celebrate more than anything, I can feel Peyton and Banks near.
January 1st, 2019 |
(I'm running out of mirrors in my house to take this shot! Ha!) I am so ready for the clean slate that a new year brings. The possibilities for this year are endless. I'm excited to see what 2019 brings us. Here's to a fresh start.