April 22nd, 2018 |
Sunday dinner at Bill and Mindi's! Even though it was a Jones week, most of the Robbins were able to come down and hang with G before he left for Florida.
April 21st, 2018 |
I've been officially inducted into the "Boy Mom" club. Gary is in town to pick up Matthew so we were all having a BBQ at Ed and Steph's. We were inside and all the cousins were playing and Jones just started crying. He wanted his socks and shoes off and to be held. Jones wouldn't put any weight or pressure on his left foot. Even after a nap it was still hurting him. We didn't see anything happen, especially since he was just sitting on the floor when it started hurting. The doctor couldn't see anything wrong either and just told us to watch it and come back in if it was still hurting in a few days. (Luckily whatever it was, went away. He had a few days where it would be tender and he'd limp around after waking up or not using it for awhile, but then everything was back to normal!)
April 20th, 2018 |
This is her guilty face. As small as she can get, tail wagging and, avoiding eye contact. Ha! Good thing she's cute.
April 19th, 2018 |
As if yesterday wasn't busy enough, today Danny, Jones and I loaded up in the car to drive to Rexburg! We met up with Amy and the girls who were there to move Talia in. It's also Tianna's birthday! We played at the park, went shopping at Walmart and then ended the trip with a late lunch/early dinner at Red Robins! Then we said our goodbyes and drove back to Utah!
April 18th, 2018 |
Happy Birthday Mr. Jones! We had quite the day! This morning we had 13 toddlers over for his friend birthday party! I sewed them all dinosaur tails! It was pretty cute to see all these dinosaurs running around! After pizza and presents they all went home and got to adopt a dinosaur on their way out. Jones had a good nap after that and gave me plenty of time to clean up from round one and build his dinosaur cake! Not bad for my first time with fondant! We had all our family and some friends come over to celebrate! All the kids at this party got to adopt a dinosaur as well. Jones loved opening all of his presents and had a hard time letting go of whatever was in his hand so that he could get to the next one. I think his favorite part was when everyone sang to him. Little cutie sang along too! Happy birthday Jonesy! We love you so much and hope you had the best dinosaur birthday party ever!
April 17th, 2018 |
Jackson came over for a few hours while Brit was at volleyball. These two are best buddies and loved watching Cars together while I got stuff ready for Jones' birthday tomorrow.
April 16th, 2018 |
Jones had his first haircut today. It was traumatic for all involved. We took him to Cookie Cutters. I thought we'd be fine, since they have a playground, race car chairs and Netflix at each station. I just didn't anticipate how much Jones would want to play on the playground first! He wouldn't sit in his own chair, or wear a cape. So he had to sit on Danny's lap. He did not like the clippers, or the scissors for that matter either! He did, however, like the water bottle. He kept spraying Danny or me whenever he was in between fits. Afterwards he chased the stylists around the salon trying to spray them. Then he was happy. Little stinker! My baby is such a big kid now!
April 15th, 2018 |
These two are the best of frenemies! They're hugging and kissing one moment, and the next they're at each other's throats! Good thing they still love each other and are the best of buds!
April 14th, 2018 |
Sandy City Clean up is this week! We also found out that all the ugly, prickle bush hedges are ours! This whole time I thought it was a shared property line. Our neighbors let us know that they were ours and that they could go anytime we wanted! Cue the chain saw! We took out half today and the Smith's said they'd finish it off tomorrow! No more thorns!
April 13th, 2018 |
We were up in Salt Lake and decided to have lunch with Grandma and Grandpa! Jones loved it! Especially since they gave us the big booth and he could run in-between Grandma and me!
April 12th, 2018 |
Indy is so good to Jones. She takes all his hugs and toddler abuse like a champ!
April 11th, 2018 |
We had our big 20 week ultrasound today! Jones is going to have a brother! I can't wait for these two to be fast friends! And to see what kind of mischief and trouble they get into!
April 10th, 2018 |
I drove up the canyon and got to photograph Clayton Blood's senior pictures! It was a pretty great session, even though all I could think of was that he was Ashley, but in boy form! haha
April 9th, 2018 |
We spent the whole morning cleaning. I had a constant of three shadows the entire time. It wasn't until I got done vacuuming the stairs that I realized my little helpers were gone. I started to freak out when they didn't answer me. If the front door is unlocked, Jones has been known to take the dogs out on a "walk." It was and I started to run out the door when I heard a giggle. These little stinkers were all piled onto the couch, hiding from me! They were so cute all snuggled up that I couldn't even be mad that Jones was chewing on a wash cloth! haha! I can only imagine the trouble that these guys will get into once they have a new little sidekick!
April 8th, 2018 |
The kids, Danny and Jenna tested out a game Kenny had to make for his homework. It's called, "The Plague," and basically everyone dies. Somehow, without cheating, but with the help of Kenny's unshuffled cards, Danny won every round. Haha! The kids kicked him out and played without him to give someone else a chance.
April 7th, 2018 |
We called a mental health day and dropped Jones off at my mom's for a quick little date night. Dinner and a movie, and the most unflattering picture ever! We didn't remember to take a picture until we were in the driveway. My flash was so bright it made my eyes water and I couldn't keep them open!
April 6th, 2018 |
After the terrible day I had yesterday, I was determined to not sour another one. I'm so thankful for this little pack of mine.
April 5th, 2018 |
Today was not a good day. Some things bubbled up, and being pregnant and hormonal did not help the situation. Luckily by the end of the day I was on the way out of whatever funk I was in.
April 4th, 2018 |
I'll never not love taking pictures of my sleepy little guy. I just can't get over those cheeks!
April 3rd, 2018 |
Hobo Jones and I went on a little walk to break in my new wagon! It gets both of our seals of approval!
April 2nd, 2018 |
Happy Birthday to me! 26 years old! I woke up to my balcony covered in flowers that Jones and Danny planted in pots for me. They are so beautiful! After we got ready for the day, we dropped off Jones at my folks and had brunch at Penny Ann's Cafe. I got my usual; the strawberry stuffed nutella french toast! So good! I took advantage of being kid free and we stopped at Target and I actually got to look for a pair of sandals without having to distract anyone! Ha! I got some birks that will be perfect for my pregnant feet this summer. We snagged Jones, and all headed home to nap and chill. We ended the evening with crepes at my mom's for dinner, cake and presents! Danny and Jones got me the collapsible wagon I'd been eyeing at Costco for awhile, along with some garden stuff, including a garden bench/knee pad! I LOVE it! It's totally marketed towards the elderly, but I really think they could open up into a new demographic for pregnant ladies who like to garden! Haha! I had the best birthday and am so blessed to have been able to spend it with so much family.