April 1st, 2018 |
Happy Easter/April Fools/General Conference! Talk about the trifecta! Ha! My poor family had to put up with Easter themed pranks this year. I'm pretty pleased with what we were able to pull off! When Danny walked the dogs this morning he put an "I'm Ready For Hillary" magnet on lots of our neighbor's cars. I did the classic tape on the sink faucet and got mom a million times. (Like always.) Austin and Jenna watched the first session at our place, so before they left I wrote, "Just Married" with little hearts all over Austin's car. He was not thrilled about that. haha! Dad was greeted in his office with a giant, sparkly, glitter egg. He wouldn't even touch it! But it was full of his favorite candy. Our Easter egg hunt was filled with half candy, half rocks, bark dust, lint, wrappers, and anything else I could find that would fit in an egg! haha! But the kicker was probably dipping hard boiled eggs in chocolate! They looked like the marshmallow candy eggs! We were soooo close to getting Tyler to try one, but then Mom swooped in and took the bait. Haha! It was such a fun day! I can't wait for the next April Fools/Easter combo!
March 31st, 2018 |
Busy day today! We woke up nice and early to go hit up the Easter Egg Hunts! First we did Smith's and then we went to Home Depot. After the hunts we watched the Saturday Session of General Conference. In between sessions we booked it down to Lindon to celebrate Ember's 2nd birthday! Robby and Nina planned a giant Easter Egg hunt for all the kids with 500 eggs total! Jones loved it, until he saw the chicken coop! After that he wanted nothing to do with candy and everything to do with chickens! Before we left, Robby even let Jones help him gather some eggs! After the party we made it back up to our place in time for the second session. We ended the day at my parents while all the boys watched priesthood. Such a busy day!
March 30th, 2018 |
It was so nice and sunny out that we took advantage of it by working in the yard! Jones just wanted to sit in the car and play with all my sunglasses. Which was fine by me, since that meant he wasn't eating dirt! haha!