
April 4th

April 4th, 2016
Bekah came up from Provo and brought me a cute, mini, birthday cake! (I started eating it before I got a decent picture of it. oops) We just had a mellow hang out sesh and took Indy on a long walk, hoping to kickstart labor. It was fun to hang out sans baby.

April 3rd

April 3rd, 2016
Happy Birthday to me, round two! Since it's technically a Robbins' Sunday and mom and dad are in Florida with Gary and Annie's crew, we had everyone over to my parents' house and had a crepe bar for dinner and chocolate cake to celebrate. So much fun! 

April 2nd

April 2nd, 2016
Happy birthday to me! 24! I woke up to half a dozen Dunkin' Donuts on my night stand from Danny. We watched conference and then went out to lunch with the crew to Red Robins. (yum) After another session of conference Danny told me what he got me for my birthday; film for my instax and a mobile instax printer that lets me print polaroids from my phone! I am so excited for them to get here! When the boys got back from priesthood sesh we did presents and milkshakes! Danny got me some jewelry and Indy got me a new blanket since she slobbers all over my fuzzy ones all the time. Mom and the crew got me plenty of clothes, hugs and even a massage chair insert for post labor. 

April 1st

April 1st, 2016
April Fools! Danny and I were pretty busy pranking the family today. From "decorating" Dad's office to getting a "new number" and the classic water hose and tape prank. It was pretty successful - despite being 9 months pregnant.  

March 31st

March 31st, 2016
Preggo buddies! All we're missing is Amanda! It's like all of our high school dreams came true of being pregnant at the same time! Anna is due a few weeks after me. Yay for babies!

March 30th

March 30th, 2016
I love walking in and being in little dude's room. Although, it'll be even better when I've got someone actually occupying it!

March 29th

March 29th, 2016
I finished off the last thing on my to-do list for baby's room; a succulent, dinosaur terrarium! This kid needs to get here before I give myself anything else to do.

March 28th

March 28th, 2016
Danny bought me some daffodils today. Just because. 


March 27th

March 27th, 2016
Happy Easter! We had so much food with lots of family and finished up the evening with yummy angel food cake and strawberries!

March 26th

March 26th, 2016
Since we have two cars now I was able to meet up with mom and a few of the kids to go Easter Egg hunting!

March 25th

March 25th, 2016
Ready to pop! Come on out baby!

March 24th

March 24th, 2016
Ashley Corpron threw me such a fun baby shower with the people in our neighborhood and ward. Baby and I are so spoiled to live in such a wonderful area full of the nicest people ever!

March 23rd

March 23rd, 2016We are now a two car family! Hallelujah! Danny and I bought this 98 Ford Explorer today. I've named her Meriwether, as in Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, explorers of the Louisiana purchase and Oregon trail.

March 22nd

March 22nd, 2016

March 21st

March 21st, 2016
This is Indy's preferred place to chew on her Elk horn.  

March 20th

March 20th, 2016
Mom gave the kids squirt guns... I was only able to snag a few shots before these stinkers all turned their guns on me!

March 19th

March 19th, 2016
"Bring Your Own Cup" day at 7/11! We deff got our money's worth! The kids had such a sugar rush!

March 18th

March 18th, 2016
Triple date night! Met up with the Burgeners and Hansens for a night full of too much chinese food and plenty of laughs. So good catching up! 

March 17th

March 17th, 2016
Happy first birthday Indy! She spent the day being spoiled with puppy treats, pupcakes, dog park, new ball and elk horn. She's so spoiled but we love her so much!

March 16th

March 16th, 2016
I met mom at Aunt Carol's house and she taught me how to use the quilting machine. I'm totally hooked! It was so much fun! I was on such a roll that I went home and finished binding it!

March 15th

March 15th, 2016
She only looks at me this intently when I'm making dinner.

March 14th

March 14th, 2016
Market Street Grill birthday lunch! Danny's parents met up with us for lunch and we had lots of yummy sea food! Yay for crab fest!

March 13th

March 13th, 2016
The birthday celebration continues! You're never short on helpers around here ;)

March 12th

March 12th, 2016
Prom! One of the Alta kids from the girls' sweethearts dance hired me to take pictures of their group so I didn't get to see the girls in their final outfits, but I did get to do their makeup! There was only minimal protest from Julie - but I think they turned out beautiful! 

March 11th

March 11th, 2016
Happy Birthday to my cutie pie! Danny had to work so Indy and I decorated the house, wrapped presents and dipped strawberries in chocolate. I also picked up Tyler from my parents house and took him to go get Danny a cupcake and big gulp and bring him some goodies at work. Happy birthday babe!

March 10th

March 10th, 2016
The majority of my day was spent working on projects for baby and making 40+ thank you cards! I made my own stamp and everything!

March 9th

March 9th, 2016
It was too quiet... I found Indy hiding in the nursery tearing apart Danny's containers of peeps. Luckily they were just the wrappers and she didn't eat any of the marshmallows. 

March 8th

March 8th, 2016
Tonight was the Relief Society birthday party and our ward had a "come as you are" party dressed in the decade you were born in. It worked out perfectly that I had a maternity dress of mom's that she wore when she was pregnant with me! Shoulder pads and all!

March 7th

March 7th, 2016
The bump is getting bigger. 

March 6th

March 6th, 2016
Blessing day for Sadie!

March 5th

March 5th, 2016
Indy's birthday party! We invited all of Indy's "cousin" to the dog park to play and have pupcakes and treat bags! The dogs were so cute! They even played together despite having a whole dog park full of other dogs! They must know they're related! 

March 4th

March 4th, 2016
Dinner with the Weights and painting figures. I'm pretty pleased with how mine turned out. (I also knew that if we didn't do a paint night before baby got here, it would've never happened. haha)

March 3rd

March 3rd, 2016
Piecing the final patches to the quilt! All I have left to do is finish sewing the top, quilt and bind it! I love how it looks so far!

March 2nd

March 2nd, 2016
Dog park day! Indy is the cutest and loves playing with all the other pups at the park! She always crashes afterwards. win win.

March 1st

March 1st, 2016
Happy Birthday Kenny! He's sporting his new Colt's jersey we got him!